We never forget that individuals with Alzheimer's are individuals first, with unique backgrounds, personalities and interests. Moreover, the progress of memory loss varies in everyone, so that a level of care which is exactly right for one person might infringe upon the rights of another.

That's why we tailor the care of each of our residents to his or her needs. This highly personalized program is made possible by our small size and unusually high staff ratio.

Our philosophy of care is really quite simple. Focus on strengths, rather than weaknesses. Never stop trying to communicate. Be kind, always.

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All of the staff at Barton House receive special training in working with the cognitively impaired. And all are hired as much for their belief in the basic dignity of every person as for their professional skills.

Click here to meet the Austin staff.

Click here to meet the San Antonio staff.

About this page: About the staff and founders of the Barton House, an Alzheimer's care facility with locations in Austin, Texas, San Antonio, Texas, and Ft. Worth, Texas.

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